Do you need help navigating your finances?

Youโ€™re in the right place!

Iโ€™m Katelyn Magnuson - Millennial Money Expert

Iโ€™m not your parentsโ€™ money expert. I donโ€™t adhere to creating traditional budgets and living a life full of scarcity and lack. For the last 10 years Iโ€™ve been THE financial educator for Millennials, freelancers, entrepreneurs and business owners.

Iโ€™m a Millennial & I believe:


You can pay down debt, make more money, and live a fulfilling life.

You can live a life full of ANDs, not ORs.


Making and saving money can be simple and easy, without a budget.โฃ


You can invest

AND have debt.

That having a mortgage or debt doesnโ€™t make you a bad person.โฃ

That if you went to college and have student loans for a degree you didnโ€™t finish or donโ€™t use itโ€™s A-okay.โฃ

I believe this because Iโ€™ve lived it first hand!


Iโ€™m a multi six figure business owner, growing my business and my team, traveling the world, living a life I love while having credit card debt AND fully funded retirement accounts. Iโ€™m here to tell you - that yes, you can too! Just because you have student loans or debt doesnโ€™t mean you canโ€™t live YOUR best life!

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